2 jeffposaka Feb 28, 2006 14:21

ok everything seems simple until i get to the part where im suppose to run the .sql file with commands in a consol. How do I access my servers console? can I connect to my server through my console and then do the commands? Or am i supposed to find it somewhere on their control panel?
ok i found it, sorry for seeming such a newbie but ive never needed to run commands on my server before. Its the shell access right? my hosting is in the process of giving me access, they said that for security reasons it is disabled at first.
I used phpMyAdmin. If you have it, there is an import function if you hit the SQL icon above the lists on the left side of the menu.
I just migrated from one host to another host today. I used this guide and it was pretty simple to do all thought it looked difficult. When it was done, I said "that was easy".
I wanted to keep my posts, categories, etc. intact rather than starting over. So it was worth the little effort this took.