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1 Mar 06, 2006 16:39    

Dear All,

i'm setting up b2evolution blog and i will migrate all 200 post and 1000 comments to b2evoluion blog, because bblog is full of bugs, etc.

Is there the simplest program/script to run this?

i'm using phpmyadmin with mysql in the background.

thank you very much in advance

2 Mar 06, 2006 17:19

Welcome! There are only two importing scripts that are built into b2evolution. One imports posts from Wordpress and one from Movable Type. MT uses a plain text export format, so it's not too hard to get any blogging software to output something that matches that format. Then you can import your posts using the MT import script (found under the Tools tab in the b2evolution admin area).

The MT method is what some people have used to import all of their Blogger posts into their b2evolution blog. [url=]Read this thread[/url] to see how that's done and to get a feel for what the format of an MT file looks like. The trick will be to modify your bblog template so that

1) It shows all posts and comments on one page

2) The format matches the MT text file format.

I've never used bblog, so I know nothing about how to edit it's templates, but if you get stuck, let me know and I can try to give you a hand. Good luck, and welcome to the forum.

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