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1 Mar 17, 2006 22:04    

I did not see this particular question addressed before, other than this posted at, so here goes.....

I'm running 9.0.12 (patched) on an Apache server.

I successfully edited summary.php to grab headlines from my BlogAll page, and I want to incorporate those headlines on a separate web site that runs on a Windows IIS server.

Bad news -- I'm not allowed/can't run PHP files on that server.

Rather than simply link to the .php file via an iframe, what I'd like to do is automatically generate a static html page from summary.php a couple times a day, then use a cron to wget the static file from the Apache host to the IIS host.

If anyone has an idea on how to create the static page I'd appreciate a reply. Thank you.

2 Mar 21, 2006 17:08

Why don't you just use asp/ to scrape summary.php as and when you need it?


3 Mar 27, 2006 15:45

The easier answer is..... I didn't of it.

I'll have to do some investigating/learning on site scraping.

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