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1 Mar 17, 2006 22:45    

I had gotten rid of all the spam hitlog and my chmods were all set to the proper security levels, I don't understand how this could happen I'm running b2evo v I rechecked everything after the security issue warning you posted, I've written to my hoster but not heard a reply, to this yet. I had to take my frontpage index file down , my admin back-end works and all the info is there still , but my back-up is missing from my local computer and I'm vexed as to how I can get this up and running again with more security, please help
how do I put a .html Index file up that will work for the b2evo, the one I have put there is very old and won't patch into the admin , I'm very sad right now, as there is months of blogging here, and I haven't said or done anything offensive to any Muslim, I only have Digital scrapbooking stories, my galleries , store,topsite and forum are all intact , it's just B2evo

2 Mar 17, 2006 22:50

I forgot to check the notify me option and I really need to be notified on this

3 Mar 18, 2006 05:47

do you have access to your raw server logs; the ones you get via cpanel would be fine. If you dont mind, I would like to take a look at them...

if thats Ok with you, feel free to send them off to :

whoo AT


At the very least I might be able to figure out IF they got in via the web, rather than server side.

4 Mar 18, 2006 06:20

I think that's what you meant to do, so I'll just wait for your reply thank-you very much for such a quick response WHOO , I'm sure if my site is down, there will be more to follow and hopefully this will help them to, before that happens.

5 Mar 18, 2006 15:00

I got your pm, replied back.

I will be at the hospital visiting my mom most of the day, so dont fret if I dont reply back to you again until later this evening..

a couple quick notes though.. your running Coppermine, an older version, but not one I was able to find any exploits for. I would update your coppermine to the very latest version, even If that part of your site wasnt touched.

Are you running mambo also? I thought I saw that also, but might be mistaken. If so check to make sure thats current. as well.

The .lck files I see when I login to your ftp?? Is that normal or something your host did?

6 Mar 18, 2006 15:40

and can't seem to generate new ones, sorry about not just waiting, and your Mum being in hospital, yes my coppermine is still intact but I'll update that also, the mambo I uninstalled thinking it may have been a security issue, but wasn't, the gallery, the shop, the forum are all on different databases, thank-you for having a look at the system, I should have copied all the files, earlier from the database, I did a back-up maybe the files you want to look at are on there , I'll check and see, the .lck is just a dreamweaver check when it put's the files to the server it put's a lock on it. I got really impatient with the whole attack, not with you, I just wanted to sought it out myself and get to the problem and reinstall B2evo, having problems trying to do that, says error on page, but I'll get to the bottom of that tommow when I've had more sleep, I can't figure out which files to delete that belong to evo. I'm very grateful to you and not just waiting after the effort you went to trying to fix it. thank-you Cherie

7 Mar 19, 2006 23:13

blushbutter wrote:

I'm running b2evo v

I missed that the first time I read this thread. Thats prolly the source of your trouble right there. If you do not upgrade to 1.6, you REALLY need to upgrade to 0.9.1 Dawn.

Thats where I would start if I were you. There's little other advice I can offer. Your logs werent any help.

Get all your other software current also.

Hope that helps

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