2 nate Mar 26, 2006 23:29

thank god someone who knows what this error is. I got the exact same one just last week. but when i ran the repair i get this now
MySQL error!
Error establishing a database connection!
(Access denied for user: 'mystic@localhost' (Using password: YES))
1. Are you sure you have typed the correct user/password?
2. Are you sure that you have typed the correct hostname?
3. Are you sure that the database server is running?Backtrace:
1. db->print_error( "<p><strong>Error establishing a database connection!</strong></p..." )
File: /home/mystic/public_html/blogs/evocore/_db.class.php:290
2. db->db( Array(10) )
File: /home/mystic/public_html/blogs/evocore/_main.inc.php:159
3. require_once( "/home/mystic/public_html/blogs/evocore/_main.inc.php" )
File: /home/mystic/public_html/blogs/index.php:20Ignored last: 1
i'm not sure what to do now.
when you go with phpmyadmin, do you see everything as being intact, are all of the tables & whatnot there?
I dont think that would cause that, but shucks you never know.
yea i ran a repair on it just in case but it said the tables were all ok and everything was fine.
my host company finally figured out something and now i'm working again, I'd still like to know what caused taht first error like the OP got though
oh well
my host company finally figured out something and now i'm working again
10 bucks says it was something on their end, meaning database related.. maybe all of thieir tables became corrupted -- your mysql login info and permissions are stored within another database on that same server.
I would ask them since they solved it, and see what they come up with :) Or just thank them and be done with it :)
Nate wrote:
If you don't know how to repair your database when it gets corrupted (for whatever reason), there is a simple screencast at http://www.yourwebsupport.com/xskin/repairmysqldatabase.htm which shows how to do it in phpmyadmin.
Thank you so much for this tutorial. Now my crisis is also averted.
Alright, problem solved. The following forum thread pointed me in the right direction: http://forums.b2evolution.net//viewtopic.php?p=22817. If you don't know how to repair your database when it gets corrupted (for whatever reason), there is a simple screencast at http://www.yourwebsupport.com/xskin/repairmysqldatabase.htm which shows how to do it in phpmyadmin.
Anyway, disaster averted. I can smile again. :D