2 topanga Mar 30, 2006 23:23

Without any release date for the next stable release version of b2evolution, I will have to switch my current blogs to WordPress. That means to port some of my blog's-specific hacks as WordPress plug-ins.
With a release date, I can consider to define my own schedule to port WordPress plug-ins I'm interested in to b2evolution and stay using b2evolution. (I would like to avoid to port those plug-ins twice in a short period of time, once for the currently latest version of b2evolution, once for the next stable release.)
I'm trying to evaluate the cheapest solution in terms of work to be done (since I'm a lazy programmer).
Does the b2evolution development team has any schedule? The [url=http://demo.b2evolution.net/]currently available b2evolution demo[/url] identifies itself as being run by b2evolution 1.8-beta. Isn't there any plan to release a final, stable version soon?...
I cannot give you a release date, but just say that we are currently polishing and cleaning up for the next release.
There will be probably some more changes (basic utf8/charset support for example), but in general we're in feature-freeze.
Also, the Plugin API is mature and will not see relevant changes, but just cleanup.
You're invited to use the http://manual.b2evolution.net/CVS_version :)
Thank you blueyed for these great news. So, I can consider to install a local development version of my blog using the latest CVS b2evolution source code, learn the way the new plug-in API works and try to convert the wordpress plug-ins I'm interested in to b2evolution. It almost sounds like a schedule for me. So, let's try that...
Thanks again.
You're welcome.. :)
If you need some hooks somewhere or have other needs with the Plugins system, please just ask for it in the "Plugin development assistance" forum section.
And btw: do not make an Akismet, which I've started already with, soon to be committed to http://sourceforge.net/projects/evocms-plugins.. :)
Btw: if you want to have developer access to the b2evo-plugins repo that I've created on SourceForge (http://manual.b2evolution.net/PluginsRepository), just drop me a mail/PM.
blueyed wrote:
If you need some hooks somewhere or have other needs with the Plugins system, please just ask for it in the "Plugin development assistance" forum section.
Thanks, I'm going to check that.
blueyed wrote:
And btw: do not make an Akismet, which I've started already with, soon to be committed to http://sourceforge.net/projects/evocms-plugins.. :)
That was the first one I was thinking about. ;) So I'm going to look at some others, starting by [url=http://www.rajprasad.net/plugins/editormonkey]EditorMonkey[/url] or some other WYSIWYG editor that makes life easier. (The ChenPress WordPress plug-in has becomen obsolete now and leaves some security holes in the FCKeditor version it uses.)
blueyed wrote:
Btw: if you want to have developer access to the b2evo-plugins repo that I've created on SourceForge (http://manual.b2evolution.net/PluginsRepository), just drop me a mail/PM.
Fine. I've just downloaded the CVS version of b2evolution, so I'm going to check how it works and what to change in the few plug-ins/hacks I've already developed for b2evolution to make them working fine on the latest version. Once stable, I might drop you an email to update the plug-in repository.
Thanks again, blueyed!
That was the first one I was thinking about. Wink So I'm going to look at some others, starting by EditorMonkey or some other WYSIWYG editor that makes life easier. (The ChenPress WordPress plug-in has becomen obsolete now and leaves some security holes in the FCKeditor version it uses.)
EditorMonkey sounds good.. in fact I've done a separate FCKeditor and TinyMCE plugin already, but it seems better to have them both in one plugin and allow the user to toggle them, instead of having installed two plugins where the user would have to disable the one he does not like (and enable the other).
Drop me a PM with your email address and I'll send you what I've done so far - it should help you a lot with porting the EditorMonkey plugin.
About the plugins repository: there are in fact two of them: the first is plugins.b2evolution.net and the one I was talking about is a project on SF.net: once you have developer access there, you can host your plugin's source code there.[/code]
Why not porting Spam Karma 2?
Another nice feature is when a simple math question is included in the comment form. When javascript is active, the result is automaticly filled in so the visitor doesn't notice it. When javascript is turned off (because of visiting with textbrowsers like blind people do), the math question (really simple things, like 3+6 or so) is put at the page next to a form where the user has to fill in the result. Bots don't use javascript.
I saw that blueyed said that he had developed a TinyMCE plugin. I integrated TinyMCE with 0.9.2 and was happy with the result, but I haven't yet understood how to hack it into the new b2evo code; and I would rather plug it in if possible. So, if the TinyMCE plugin is even just partly done, could I help with it?
It's working though not released, because it requires b2evo 1.9-beta.
It's available here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/evocms-plugins (from SVN) and I've added it to the list of plugins on the v-1-9 demo on http://demo.b2evolution.net/ . It's currently installed there, but when the demo gets reset, just re-install it to test it.
If someone wants to help out with it, I'd be lucky to add him as a developer to the evocms-plugins Sourceforge.net project.
(yet another thread which has nothing to do anymore with its subject.. and my 1000th post that is.. 8| )
blueyed wrote:
(yet another thread which has nothing to do anymore with its subject.. and my 1000th post that is.. 8| )
Congratulations on the milestone achievement! If you weren't on the dev team you'd be called a guru ;)
(BTW blueyed is a kickass dev team guru dude, so don't nobody think this post means anything other than 'blueyed is a kickass dev team guru dude'.)
You should use whatever you feel best by..
If that is wordpress, use wordpress
if that is b2evo, use b2evo 0.9.1
The most stable version is 0.9.1.
If you are ready for a bumpy ride (in a car with shockabsorbers) use 1.6