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1 Apr 08, 2006 16:24    

I will sometimes click on some of the “Last Referring searches” in the stats page (running 9.0.12) to see how my site was reported by the search engines. Doing this, I sometimes get weird results when I try to follow the search engine link back to my site.

A couple of times the “custom” skin as has been specified in the link itself, so my default skin does not come up. When this happens, the hyperlink in the search engine actually ends with a parameter like “skin=custom” or something like that (sorry – didn’t write it down.)

A few other times the link back to the article is just the entry page to the blog (ie. - /b2evolution/index.php) and not to a specific page for the post. Which I guess is OK till the post gets pushed down off the main page.

I’m wondering if this is just a glitch in google and the other search engines, or if I need to tweak my B2Evolution configuration somehow. I don’t create static URL’s for the posts (I see that reminder when posting but I don’t know how to.) Should I be doing that?

Thanks –


2 Apr 08, 2006 17:04

Did you allow skin switching at any time? I'm guessing "yes" because that's how the search engines got the links with different skins. Figure they follow every link, so it should be no surprise they follow skin switching links. Same thing with indexing your main page: it's a page on the web so they index it. Doesn't matter that it can change tomorrow - the crawl and capture because it's what they do.

As to static pages: that's not for each and every post. You can create an html file that captures your main page, then each time you post something you would update the static version. The idea is if you get /.ed or something like that and your server is working it's butt off trying to keep up with a zillion hits a minute having a static page to serve up takes some of the load off.

3 Apr 09, 2006 17:37

Thanks - that probably explains it. I did my own google search intended to grab the page that was displaying with the old skin, and that resulted in a link that displayed with the new skin. So, as you note, it must all tie backt to when the link was made.

Thanks again -


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