2 miller2348 Apr 11, 2006 15:40
Yup, only it's technically not a problem - it's a feature. There is [url=http://wonderwinds.com/hackblog.php/2005/01/31/lim_iting_who_can_delete_edit_publish_po]a hack[/url] that basically hides the "edit" link from other bloggers but it doesn't actually stop them from editing a post if they want to type in the correct info into their address bar.
It's a feature when you want multiple authors of a single document, and for the record that's how the antispam central system works: every reporter adds to a report (blog post) that the first reporter created. Having said that, I think more people see it as a problem than a benefit.
I got it figured out after a google search and fine mission.