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1 Apr 18, 2006 06:17    

So, I have a bunch of images with thumbnails already uploaded on my server, but I can't use BB code to see them. The post just displays the code as text. I'm trying to embed the larger image as a link from the thumbnail... pretty straightforward.

In fact even just straight img tags, , don't seem to work while other BB code tages like [B] and [I] do work. And yes I'm checking the BB code box. ;)

This is the format I'm trying to use (without the spaces)

[url= ] [/url]

I'd like to use BB code for this as its MUCH simpler than HTML. I've used this for a while in Bblog and was hoping to use it with this new software.

And I'd really rather not use the upload feature as I already have a lot of images uploaded and arranged in a particular fashion that I am used to. Too much to change all over again... besides the upload tool doesn't do embeded links to larger images and won't load 800x600.


2 Apr 18, 2006 16:53

The image part of the bbcode plugin is commented out by default. Look in /plugins/renderers/_bbcode.renderer.php and you'll see that the sections that do images are commented out. You could uncomment both of those sections and it may work. The comment does mention a security risk. I don't know anything about it, so do this at your own risk.

3 Apr 18, 2006 16:57

[img] is not enabled.

There's a comment in the plugin:

The following are dangerous, until we security check resulting code.

You would just have to uncomment the appropriate lines in "var $search" and "var $replace".

*edit*: I've added it to the todo list. Thanks for "reporting".. :)

4 Apr 18, 2006 16:57

For my money, this:

<a href=""><img src="" alt="something" /></a>

is just as simple as this:

[url= ] [img] [/img] [/url]

And the first one lets you have an alt text, which is pretty important.

5 Apr 18, 2006 19:02

blueyed wrote:

[img] is not enabled.

There's a comment in the plugin:

The following are dangerous, until we security check resulting code.

You would just have to uncomment the appropriate lines in "var $search" and "var $replace".

*edit*: I've added it to the todo list. Thanks for "reporting".. :)

Thanks :)

I'm curious, what's dangerous about it? I've had that capability for nearly 5 years on a very active web forum and its never presented any problems. I suppose if its the comment spam you're worried about, just disallow image posting for comments. That would make more sense to me anyway.

BTW, I realize its not that much more complicated to use HTML, its just that I am so used to BB code now and it does involved a lot less use of the shift key. Call me set in my ways, I guess. ;)

6 Nov 01, 2006 18:35

I like bb code though because I have to use it on one site and I repost the exact same thing on my b2 blog so it saves me mad keystrokes to copy and paste.

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