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1 Apr 18, 2006 08:16    

Hi all,

I've been working on customizing my install for several days now. I'm not much of a coder, but I've made several changes - thanks to those of you posting great info in this forum! (EdB, that automatic blog for new users is working great, thanks!!)

Here's my current issue - I want to take several fields out of the user form in the user profile - MSN/ICQ/AIM, locale, and URL. I apparently can't just take them out, I'm getting error messages that say some parameter values need to be set. I'm not a PHP coder, so I suspect I've just missed something in the logic somewhere. I tried a search, but perhaps I haven't got the right keywords this time, nothing is coming up.

I'd be very grateful if someone could tell me how to set variables without them being visible to the user on the form, or point me in the direction of a thread that already answered this.


2 Apr 18, 2006 12:06

I assume you found the file to edit as you get error messages about missing fields.
Your issue is quite easy to fix without any php skill: you have to keep those fields but just don't show them to the user, and the html code may look like:

<input type="hidden" name="field_to_hide" value="forced_value" />

You should replace the original code by this one, field_to_hide by the name of the field you don't want to show and forced_value by the value you want to enforce (may be empty if you dont wan't to use the field)

3 Apr 18, 2006 18:33

Thanks madz, I'll give that a try. Yeah, I know exactly what files I need to modify. I tried just assigning a value to the fields, but that wasn't working. I should have mentioned that my html form coding skills aren't so hot either :). I'm great at modifying code, but it's harder to write from scratch!! Much appreciated.

4 Apr 19, 2006 00:33

Thanks again. I have it working very nicely now.

Form is loading...