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1 May 08, 2006 21:21    


I have been using B2Evo for a while now, and have had the usual spam problems that many in this forum are reporting.

I did my searches of the Forum, and kinda found the answer to my question... The only real way to deal with Spam in B2Evo is to spend more time deleting it than posting.

Turn off trackbacks/pingbacks, don't announce your presence to any of the blog sites... That's how they find you. Make commenting a pain in the butt so noone bothers...

Meanwhile, I'm still getting some 80-100 spam messages a day, many of which are tied to old posts. After I'm done cleaning out my mailbox, it's off to ban domains for an hour or two. Totally ridiculous.

I'm willing to blame the bastard spammers for it... But coming out here today and hearing how rude some of the admins are, I'm feeling alot less inclined to even want to make B2Evo usable. NO more centralized blacklist, and do these hacks, then wait for a future version that may be here someday. On top of it, admins whose pat response is "If you don't like it, up yers."

My webhost had the B2Evo as something I could install through Plesk. I'm sure the inevitable "You should be a PHP guru before trying to blog" comment is coming from the usual sources. Yeah, sure.

Well, I don't feel like being a PHP guru, and being a "Blogger" isn't important enough to me to waste this much time dealing with spam. If I wanted that, I'd get a hotmail account. I'm not really sure how this can be considered usable when every post about Guitar wiring gets slammed with 70 comments advertising porn and Viagra.

So, am I posting just to whine as EdB likes to say? No, I'm posting to let you know why you're short one B2Evo user. My webhost also offers wordpress as a Plesk install, so I'll give that a whirl... Perhaps their forum admins will at least be somewhat polite. Perhaps all of the spam is just part of Blogging... If so, I don't need to blog.

Anyway, I thought it was nice software... However, like the subject says, I have better things to do. I actually even know my way around PHP, and would probably concern myself with making B2Evo work for me was I not so turned off while looking for the info. I can't believe anyone would be treated the way some of the people on this forum have without deciding they can go with one of the 20 competing products. Maybe they already had too much invested in becoming a PHP guru.

2 May 08, 2006 21:34

there are only two admins on this forum, topanga and myself.

the rest are users/mods/plain old folks, just like you, and in fact, just like me, and topanga.

Consequently, since we are all human, you can come to expect human responses to some questions.

I wish you the very best with wordpress. Fwiw, their forum members struggle with "politeness" just like anywhere else. In fact, they have oodles of threads dedicated to forum etiquette on the wp-forums mailing list.

While I fail to see any correlation between anyone's attitude here and the amount of spam your blog recieves -- those sorts of decisions are best left up to the end user.

Again, wish you the best.

3 May 08, 2006 22:00

Apologies to the Admins then... You obviously just have some power users who can elicit "human responses"... A bit too often IMHO.

While I fail to see any correlation between anyone's attitude here and the amount of spam your blog recieves

No, the attitudes in here make me think if I have to fight spam, I'd rather try with a different product. I don't blame you for spam, that would be silly... I'm just appaled at the way users looking for a solution are treated. Perhaps the WordPress forums are just as bad... Maybe I won't need their forums at all... If I hadn't been left drowning in spam I would have never stumbled in here. At any rate, my quick perusal shows thay have more options for dealing with it... Who knows if they're any better. Frankly B2Evo was just not usable for me. Had there been no other option, I would have just quit blogging all together. Hopefully I can find a solution that let's me concentrate on doing and writing, not fighting spam or editing code snippets.

Anyway, to tell someone buying a sketch book that it's their job to learn the art of paper manufacturing isn't much of an answer.

So, I've moved on. I just thought I'd let you know why.

4 May 09, 2006 01:53

Funny! I started with b2evolution because I knew nothing about php and mysql, and found b2evo to have the friendliest code. Figured no matter what I used I'd want to hack it. Didn't like the insides of WP at all, which doesn't say anything about the usability of the software.

I'm sure the inevitable "You should be a PHP guru before trying to blog" comment is coming from the usual sources.

Can you find even ONE instance of someone actually saying this? Of course not! The typical comment from the usual sources is more like "it's not that hard to hack because the files are heavily commented and the names of different bits are fairly intuitive". Having said that, the need to hack is b2evo's biggest weakness. That is changing with the phoenix generation, but that doesn't affect the world we live in today.

As to the few people who don't like ME: Get over it. When you sign up to whine, like you did, despite the fact that you claim you signed up to explain why you're moving on, don't expect everyone to treat you like you matter. Personally I'll balance the HUNDREDS of users who have thanked me for my efforts against the few who've decided they don't like me calling them out for their actions. That's life eh?

Have fun with WP. Spam happens, and given that WP has a HUGE user base relative to b2evo it is, of course, the larger target for spammers. Why else would [url=]this page[/url] exist?

5 May 09, 2006 15:06

And why [url=]this page[/url] exists too!! :lol:

Lost ... Don't think that SPAM isn't a universal problem. It is. I agree that it shouldn't be, but we have to live in the real world, not the ideal one. I do, however, understand your frustration. Good luck with whatever new software you use and I'm sorry that you feel that the posters here are rude.

I think that people are pretty friendly on this forum and I've invested a tad more time than you have. I really don't see "If you don't like it, up yers" very often, but like Whoo says, everyone here (including Admin and Mods, as well as users) are real people. So, it's bound to happen a few times.

Everyone is fighting the good fight against spammers every day. Some of us have actually defeated it and are working to turn the tables. Can't say much more than that, but keep an eye [url=]here[/url] to learn more, when the time is right.


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