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1 Jun 02, 2006 13:37    

here's my blog,

If i copy and paste the address in the browser, i can access to it, but when i search for it in google or other search engines and then click on the result, i'm redirected to

If i try to jump to which is my homepage, everything works fine, so i suppose b2evolution redirects me to and not my web hosting company.
So how to fix this? Any idea?

Thanks a lot!

2 Jun 02, 2006 16:23

do you have anything else running on this site, a forum? another non-blog page? anything?

if so, what is the url to that?

nevermind, I found a page:

It does appear to be specific to your blog .. is there a chance you have added something resembling your IP or hostname to your antispam table?

3 Jun 02, 2006 17:52

The page you found is the one of downloads.

About the redirection to i suppose there's something wrong about antispam system of my blog, but i don't know for sure.

I'll try to install the new version of b2evo (0.9.2), so i'll maybe fix the problem...


4 Jun 02, 2006 18:06

Redirection to is not a core component, so it's got to be a hack you've installed. There has been at least one and maybe two hacks that take advantage of that 'service'. For some reason it is now banning you no matter the IP the visitor is coming from. Upgrading to .9.2 will fix your issue IF you completely delete all the files from your server and replace them with new files. The same would hold true for re-installing .9.1 by the way.

Save your 'skins' folder, especially your 'skins/yourskin' folder. Also save your conf/_config.php file because that contains the database connection info. Edit your new conf/_config.php to have your database and baseurl and admin email id info AND set config_is_done to 1, then upload all the new files (either version). After you see that you can get to your blog - ASSUMING you see that you can get to your blog - go ahead and upload your skins/yourskin folder and see if you can switch to that skin. Set it in the back office as the default skin will do. If it doesn't work it might be that SOME of the files in the skins folder have been modified. You'll have to work through that at your own pace.

Might be best to stick with .9.1 to fix the problem then decide if you want to upgrade.

5 Jun 03, 2006 01:18

Yes it works!!!
I updated to the new version of b2evo and now i can access it from direct links in other pages (and from google or msn search results!)


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