2 personman Jun 13, 2006 15:01

Like personman said: don't expect blog #1 to be like any other blog. All posts in all blogs show up in blog #1, so just don't give out permissions. You will have to set up each user's blog for them and give them permissions to only post in that blog because the intention with this program is not to be another blogspot. It's YOUR blog so you decide who gets to post in which blog(s), and what level of control you give them over content.
Plus by the way you'd probably be giving them 2 blogs - one to use as a blog and one to use as a linkblog, but that might be a bit deeper than you need right now.
The hacks. I think the newest hack says it's for 1.6 - not the CVS version, but either way you're opening up a security hole. Spammers will be able to register and use your server space for their undesirable purposes. For the record 'blogspot' is one of the most heavily reported domains in the antispam central system. At one point we had 99 published blogspot domains and over 2000 reports of different domains.
Thanks for the great respnses. I did manage to figure out how not to display the blog a or 1 as it is called and I think I made the main blog "my blog" reasonably clean. Nothing fancy just used the custom template. I am trying kontera for ad revenue so I inserted their code into the template and it seems to be working reasobly well. I'm somewhat torn about creating the blogs manually, this is basically my fear that my site will take off and I'll be spending my days creating blogs. On the flip side of that I don't think I am going to get 100 requests a day for a blog and I do like the idea of keeping some control over it. So I think I will go with Edb's suggestion and do it by hand for now. If I grow like wildfire then I'll be glad to figure out how to handle it then.
I'm sure I'll be back once I try to set it up this way and can't quite do it.
Do you know any website using the plugin that i can see how it works ?
I would like to also know the capacity of b2evolution.
Can I run a blog system to offer personal blogs to users?
Assuming that I have enough harware capacity to handle this service...
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personman wrote:
Yes, that is possible. b2evolution supports multiple blogs and multiple users. And you can set the user permissions so that user 2 only has permission to work with blog 2, and so on. (Blog 1 is the special aggregator blog that displays posts from all blogs, and user 1 is always the administrator.) Then you could have an admin with permissions on all of the blogs. That's all built in. And, if you enable the option, users can register themselves.What's not built in is the ability for users to have a blog created for them when they register (like blogger). But, there is a [url=http://plugins.b2evolution.net/index.php/2006/06/12/autoblog]plugin for that[/url]. I have not tested it and I think it requires that you install the version of b2evolution that's [url=http://manual.b2evolution.net/CVS_version]currently in CVS[/url]. It's not ideal for newbies, but if you give it a go, we'll help you along.
Welcome to the forum!
Yes, that is possible. b2evolution supports multiple blogs and multiple users. And you can set the user permissions so that user 2 only has permission to work with blog 2, and so on. (Blog 1 is the special aggregator blog that displays posts from all blogs, and user 1 is always the administrator.) Then you could have an admin with permissions on all of the blogs. That's all built in. And, if you enable the option, users can register themselves.
What's not built in is the ability for users to have a blog created for them when they register (like blogger). But, there is a [url=http://plugins.b2evolution.net/index.php/2006/06/12/autoblog]plugin for that[/url]. I have not tested it and I think it requires that you install the version of b2evolution that's [url=http://manual.b2evolution.net/CVS_version]currently in CVS[/url]. It's not ideal for newbies, but if you give it a go, we'll help you along.
Welcome to the forum!