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1 Jun 13, 2006 18:56    

From the administrative screens, whenever I select the "Files" tab (admin/file.php) I get a page that reads, "Requested Blog does not exist!"

I've verified the file exists, as do the rest of the administrative files.

I want to be able to upload a file that I can link to inside a blog article. It's a PDF file that isn't elsewhere on the web. I can make it available on the web but it would be better if I could upload it to b2evolution.

2 Jun 13, 2006 19:49

By sprinkling "die()" statements around I've discovered the error is coming from inside the filemanager class. If I put a die() after allocating a filemanager object it's never reached, and instead the "Requested blog does not exist!" error is displayed.

3 Jun 13, 2006 20:01

I've now discovered inside _filemanager.class.php: $bloglist = $BlogCache->load_user_blogs( 'browse', $this->User->ID );

includes blog_ID=2 as its first item, which doesn't exist. I forget which one that was, but I figured it wasn't necessary to the site and so I deleted it. Apparently it's not deleted from everywhere if load_user_blogs() is finding it.

Now I guess I need to go into the database to discover why that blog id still exists there?

4 Jun 13, 2006 20:53

The problem was deleting the blogs through the admin screens did not delete rows in evo_bloggroups for the deleted blogs. Consequently, the SQL for getting the bloglist returned blog IDs that no longer existed.

Missing referential integrity?

5 Jun 13, 2006 20:54

I forgot to say, the SQL

delete from evo_bloggroups
where bloggroup_blog_id in (2,3)

seemed to do the trick.

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