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1 Jul 07, 2006 09:25    

I'm running b2 now, and was wondering if it's possible to port over all the blog entries in the database to the new b2evolution table?

2 Jul 07, 2006 10:04

Yup. Download the zip for 0.9.2, unzip it, edit conf/config.php and put in your database connection info and baseurl and admin email and set config_is_done to 1, upload it to your server and run the installer. Tell it you're upgrading from b2 and it'll do all the rest.

3 Jul 07, 2006 10:10

The conversion choked.

Here's the error:

Installing b2evolution tables and copying existing b2 data
MySQL error!
Table 'cmwong_Maindatabase.b2settings' doesn't exist(Errno=1146)

Your query:
SELECT archive_mode, time_difference, AutoBR FROM b2settings

The problem is,

instead of the format "cmwong_Maindatabase.b2settings", my table uses "cmwong_Maintabase.SANb2settings".

How can I edit the upgrading install.php to use this format?

4 Jul 07, 2006 18:20

I hope you have a backup of your database because if the installer got through any of the steps it'll choke when it tries to do the same step again.

In your conf folder find _advanced.php and look for this bit:

 * Old b2 tables used exclusively by the upgrade mode of the install script
 * You can ignore those if you're not planning to upgrade from an original b2 database.
$oldtableposts      = 'b2posts';
$oldtableusers      = 'b2users';
$oldtablesettings   = 'b2settings';
$oldtablecategories = 'b2categories';
$oldtablecomments   = 'b2comments';

Change "b2settings" to "SANb2settings" and you should be good to go. It is possible that other table names won't match what the installer expects. If so repeat the sequence until it all works.

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