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1 Jul 07, 2006 20:15

I want that page to appear any time my url
is used.

Currently, it is pulling up my most recent post.

How do I force it to pull up the post I want as my index?


(and yes, I know it's an odd URL - it's a work in progress :) )

2 Jul 07, 2006 20:36

There is no official way to make a sticky-post, meaning "to specify a single post that is always first".

One way to get 'er done is to use that fixed content as your "long description", then to edit your skins/skinname/_main.php to use long_desc in the post body instead of the sidebar. Lemme snip some code from my skin to show you how I do it...

<div class="bPosts">
<?php request_title( '<h2 id="subTitle">', '</h2>' ) ?>

<?php if( $disp == 'posts' ) { ?>
<div class="bPost">
<p class="longdesc"><?php $Blog->disp( 'longdesc', 'htmlbody' ); ?></p>
<?php } ?>

That way you'll still have the most recent post UNDER the long description, but visitors who come to a single post page won't see the long description. Be aware I've been using a CVS version so if you don't have "request_title" in your skin you'll have to kinda figure out where this bit would go. In general it will go right after "<div class="bPosts">" is all I was trying to show.

3 Jul 09, 2006 04:41

Hey reb_76,

I think the way I'd do it would be with a redirect in the htaccess file.

The way it works it this: Someone types in "h2tp://" and htaccess says, "Aha, I've been told to redirect all the traffic from there to "h2tp://".

Syntax looks like:

Redirect 302 ..?cat=##

Can't remember if you want a 302 or a 301 there (one is temporary, the other permanent).

Hmm, another way might be to make a static file of that one page and just rename it "index.php", people would land their and (i think, because aren't all the links absolute?) all the links would work. It's an untested idea, but it might work.

Hope this helps.

4 Jul 09, 2006 16:04

Thanks EdB and stK! I've been offline mostly over the weekend, but tomorrow I'll sit down and tackle all this again....

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