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1 Jul 10, 2006 12:58    

Sorry guys,

But i'm giving up b2e.

I know you've done a lot to prevent this, and i honestly tried to follow any advice here, but there's no way i'll waste my time deleting stupid porn ads on my blogs.

I'm a photographer and i publish some kids portrait from a playground, obviously, spammers have no conscience, they comment/trackbacks porn ads everywhere, no matter what or who will hit the link.

Now, my visitors can't comment, can't trackback and i still get spammed, spammers use email, switch country, waste ressources, waste valuable domain names and for what ? this is pointless.

So i give up b2e because i can't challenge them, i don't plan to rewrite anymore php code just to get rid of that, i used b2evo because it was simple and easy to install, well designed, good community support and i happily customized my blog skin, but yet i don't plan to spend more time on this.

This is not what i was expecting, i had way less spam trouble with dotclear even if it's not as powerful as this one.

This is not to blame anyone but the spammers, just wanted to let you know that when you spend more time on maintenance than using a tool, something is wrong.

So take this as a testimony.

Thanks b2evo, hope you guys find a better fix than killing features.


PS : Yup, i update everyday my blacklist, i do add every spammer and i still get offensive ads trackbacks/comments.

2 Jul 10, 2006 13:19

v1.8 is being released soon (a few weeks is the word), you could wait till then.

Or you could get the cvs build...

Both solutions would help the spam problem.

4 Jul 10, 2006 14:36

Dam name change (goes and updates wiki)

But good news B)

5 Jul 10, 2006 16:24

Watch me get in trouble again.

When someone's first post is "bye cuz it's too much work" I get this funny feeling they checked out one or two things, realized they don't understand what they're doing, and decided that obviously it's someone else's fault.

Why not post something when you FIRST had an issue? Why not reply to a thread that you tried to implement only to find that it didn't work out as you expected? In other words, why not post before you decide to give up?

1.8 beta carotene is out and goes a long way towards antispam. My prediction is the biggest default feature will fail, but the pluginabilityness means lotsa strong plugins will show up that will allow each user to easily pick and choose the tools they like.

Fighting spammers is a battle that can never be won as long as you want to have a dynamic content web site. In the future the effort required will go down. WAY down, but it seems it's too late for vinh. Too bad, because *every* piece of software available will attract spam.

6 Jul 10, 2006 18:10

I'm sorry EdB,

I don't pretend being a php guru or anything, but anyway, i don't want to.

If you ever think i'm the one responsible for my own fate, so be it.

It's not the point because whatever the good guys are doing here, i still have to spend too much time clearing the database of crap.

"bye cuz it's too much work" <-- ?? English isn t my native language, but and for all, i try my best not to sound like a nerd. Don't misquote me.

As i said it's a testimony, this is all simple, i'm the most basic user of the blog, and if not, that's what i'm trying to be. I read the forum when i have some trouble and i happen to find solutions most of the time.

Tho, most solutions involve digging in the code and add, remove lines.

Why i didn t post, because i actually try and read faq's and forums for troubles, don't tell me it's bad conduct to do so.

The troubles i had with the comment's spam and trackbacks are the same as anyone else here. Some have the skills to unplug the right stuff to disable that, some don't. I tried, it fails.

Some spam doesn t have any solutions ("")but to go to the mysql admin console and execute the deletion manually.

I can't afford that waste of time anymore, i don't blame anyone, i just want you to know how i came to leave the battlefield to specialists.

Clearly, b2evo is a tool for me, not a priesthood.

For now, it costs me, i'm putting my site down because of that, i'm not whining, it's a casualty of war, and that post is a report.

I will check out the final release of 1.8 when i get the time for it.

Good luck people.

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