1 lexagon Jul 14, 2006 14:33
3 lexagon Jul 14, 2006 15:44
Hello Personman,
I'm running 0.9.2 yet.
But, you could also search post content and if you find your phrase, change the post content to include your message.
Any quick example how I would best code some suchness?
thx! :-) 'lex
4 personman Jul 14, 2006 15:45
In 0.9.2? No, I can't give a quick example of how to do it for that version. I've never really messed with the plugin system for it because it can't do nearly as much as the new one. I would upgrade if I were you.
5 edb Jul 14, 2006 16:35
The smilies plugin works kinda the way you want. It looks at the post content and if it sees something it knows is supposed to be a smilie it replaces it. You want "if it sees something it knows is a keyword it adds a warning to the top" but the method is pretty similar. The "read more" function works the same way, but it's not a plugin.
Hopefully that'll get you started, as most folk who are into doing the hackage thing have jumped on 1.8 like a crazed band of crazy people jump on whatever it is crazy people would jump on. That's a *terrible* analogy, but you probably get the idea.
6 lexagon Jul 15, 2006 08:49
@personman: Hm, is 1.8 "safe for production"? I learned that it's always "best practice" to go with the higest "stable" release?
But, assumed I upgrade:
- is it much trouble to go from 0.9.2 to 1.8?
- to alter 0.9.2. skins to 1.8 format?
Thanks for the hint/s. I'll check that out. Hope I remeber that bit about activating plugins that I've read somewhere here ;-)
7 john Jul 15, 2006 12:08
1.8 Beta seems pretty good to me, with no obvious glitches
Upgrading skins is covered here...
It's a big job if you have heavy structural changes but EdB covers it all pretty well.
Jump in, you won't drown
8 edb Jul 15, 2006 12:51
Lexagon you might want to stick with where you're at AND throw down a second installation for "Summer". That way you can work your skin up to that level and tinker with a renderer plugin without losing your blog. Summer is pretty good, but there are a couple of known issues that will be in the 1.8.1 package. When that hits the streets you can rest assured of not finding those few issues when you do move up.
I think this could be done with a plugin in 1.8-beta. Check out some of the renderer plugins that come pre-installed. They basically do a search and replace on post content. But, you could also search post content and if you find your phrase, change the post content to include your message.