Hello everyone,
i am new to b2evolution and i am very impressed about it. I am working for a university in germany.
We have several workers and we want to give everyone of them a own weblog without installing wordpress 1000 times. :D
Is this possible with b2evolution? Can i give a specific user (and only this user) a own blog, where noone but him can mess around?
I am sorry, perhaps this has been asked many times before, i searched the forums but i have not found a clear answer...
Thank you very much for your help,
Yours DrKNickel B)
I'm sure this has been answered before because I've answered it a few times, as have others, but so what. Here I will try to be as clear as possible:
In fact, you can give each blogger their own blog and their own linkblog, or you can use one linkblog across all blogs. You can give your bloggers a varying degree of control over their blogs, including the ability to give other people permission to post in their blog (and linkblog if you give them one and they decide to give the permission to someone else).
I'm fairly certain that 1000 blogs/bloggers has been done, but at some point between number of blogs, number of bloggers, and amount of traffic you'll find b2evolution isn't the ideal solution. IF you reach that point you can consider two (or more) distinct installations. Assuming your installation is for the university you work for you might have an installation for each department, for example. I worked on a project that planned exactly that. The main installation no one could post in, but each of 4 'extra' installations was for the different 'departments' that would have a blog and linkblog for any number of players.
Just don't give out permission on blog #1. It is a special aggregator blog, meaning everything that shows up on any blog in the installation shows up on blog #1.
Hope it helps!