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1 Jul 22, 2006 08:38    


this must be real easy, but... I cannot seem to figure it out: how do i get an image (which i´ve uploaded) displayed next to the blog text i´ve just written?

Uploading seems to work (if I upload it twice, there´s an warning that the image is already uploaded).


2 Jul 22, 2006 16:14

What version of b2evolution are you using? There should be a link that says "Add this code to your post" or something like that. The wording and the location of the link vary with different versions, so which are you using?

Welcome to the forum.

3 Jul 28, 2006 12:51


i´m using version 0.9.2

Yes there is a button which should allow me to upload an image (with size restriction). I click that, do what i should do, and the result is that there is an image uploaded (I know so, because if i upload it again, i get a warning message saying it is already there), but i cannot see the image.

you mention something about code... should i cut and past a (html?) code somewhere?


4 Jul 28, 2006 18:08

After you upload the image do you not have a button (in the upload popup) that says "add this code to your post"?

5 Jul 28, 2006 20:31

yes it does. It exactly says that (with some code above)


6 Jul 28, 2006 20:34

In addition, when I press "add this code" and I return to my edit window of the blog, that code is added.
Now when I press Save, the following error returns:
Cannot update, please correct these errors:

Found invalid URL: Invalid URL


7 Jul 28, 2006 20:39

Is it possible you've added your own site to your local antispam blacklist? Or perhaps the name of the image you are linking contains a banned keyword? Does this happen with every image you try to upload and include in a post?

8 Jul 28, 2006 20:41

Just a bit more...

This is what´s created when I´ve uploaded the image:
<img src=" WC2006.jpg" width="109" height="106" alt="" />

When I paste from http:// to .jpg in a browser window, it does display the image correctly.

When I remove the SPACE between Zidane AND WC2006.jpg, the blog edit window saves correctly, but does not show the image (instead, i get a box with an X)

the website is


9 Jul 28, 2006 20:50

Have you tried renaming the file to not have a space in it then uploading and inserting? A _ or simply remove the space? I don't know too well how the code works - just trying to see if there's something that can be figured out for you. A long time ago I figured out that even though images can have spaces in the name that didn't mean every utility and browser would be happy with them and show them the same way. For my purposes I decided I'd never try to upload an image that had spaces just because it's extremely likely that images without spaces will always work.

10 Jul 28, 2006 21:25

Hi EdB,

That did it!
Excellent tip: I removed the space in the filename, and now it works.

While I´m at it... :oops: would you know how I can put "stuff" (images, website references/text etc) accross this layout I´m using?
Or am i then talking about a whole new template and/or advanced php/html editing?

Thanks for helping out with the image problem!

11 Jul 28, 2006 22:05

chrissmit wrote:

While I´m at it would you know how I can put "stuff" (images, website references/text etc) accross this layout I´m using?

Glad we got one problem straightened out, but I'm afraid I can't help you with the second because the link you provided doesn't go anywhere in my Firefox. I get the "problem loading page" page and the "server not found" message - stuff that Firefox makes when it can't connect.

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