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1 Jul 25, 2006 07:37    

I am running 2 blogs on a dedicated server running on Linux.

My memory usage is always over 90%.

Depending on who I speak with in tech support, they say that either this is normal for a Linux server, or that it's the blogs making a lot of database requests.

I have about a 1000 visitors, and a bunch of indexing bots come everyday, but I still think this is a bit much for the level of traffic.

Is either of those explanations the truth?

2 Jul 25, 2006 11:12

LINUX is very good at managing memory, are you seeing troubles that might be related to this? If not, I wouldnt worry about it.

You also didnt happen to mention how much memory is in the box.. though that wouldnt necessarily change what I said above.

3 Jul 25, 2006 18:15

The server has 512MB of memory.

I get worried when any resource is used at full capacity for a long time. I haven't seen any trouble, though.

4 Jul 25, 2006 20:03

believe it or not, 90% isnt full capacity for LINUX .. :)

Its far more efficient than any windows OS at freeing up unused memory too! :)

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