b2evolution CMS Support Forums
- b2evolution Development
- A look into the future
- Feature requests and Feedback
- Turn sponsored_links into a Credits plugin.
1 balupton Aug 28, 2006 01:18
Yeh as the title says.
Also to kick it off, here are some functions from lightality:
// Adds Someone to the Credits array
// Used for Components to add their credits.
function AddCredit($Name, $Reason, $WebSite){
//Check is Subject to be Credited already Exists
$Exists = -1;
for ( $i = 0; $i < sizeof($this->Credits); $i++ ) {
if( $Name == $this->Credits[$i]['Name'] ){
$Exists = $i;
if($Exists != -1){
//If they do, Append the Reason.
$this->Credits[$Exists]['Reason'] .= ', '.$Reason;
//If they don't then Append the Subject
$this->Credits[] =
'Name' => $Name,
'Reason' => $Reason,
'WebSite' => $WebSite
function DisplayCredits(){
<a href="http://www.lightality.com" title="Visit Lightality's WebSite">Lightality</a> (v<?=$GLOBALS['Lightality']->Version?>) is a Skinning System Developed by
<strong><a href="http://www.balupton.com" title="Visit Balupton's WebSite">balupton</a></strong><br />
if(sizeof($this->Credits) != 0){
echo 'With credits to ';
$tot = sizeof($this->Credits)-1;
for($i = 0; $i < $tot; $i++){
<a title="<?=$this->Credits[$i]['Reason']?>" href="<?=$this->Credits[$i]['WebSite']?>"><?=$this->Credits[$i]['Name']?></a>, <?php
<a title="<?=$this->Credits[$tot]['Reason']?>" href="<?=$this->Credits[$tot]['WebSite']?>"><?=$this->Credits[$tot]['Name']?></a>.<br /><?php
Currently running <a href="http://b2evolution.net" title="Visit B2evo's WebSite">b2evolution</a> (v<?=$GLOBALS['app_version']?>)