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1 Aug 31, 2006 04:02    

Can't figure out what's happened here. My default skin has archives turned off, only showing a link to archives, and the calendar.

However when I installed 1.8 and enabled the archives, it only shows the first 5 months (the oldest, not the most recent).

Is this normal? It's not just my own skin it's affecting, the guadeloupe one's affected too.

3 Aug 31, 2006 04:22

Sorry, I'm talking about the sidebar plugin. Unfortunately my web host seems to have b0rked the server at the moment so I can't give you a link to an alternate skin that shows the archives, but basically they go from October 2005 back to May 2005 - when I started the blog.

4 Aug 31, 2006 04:30

Have you opened _archives.plugin.php and checked the lines..

- 'limit' : # of archive entries to display or '' (Default: 12)
- 'more_link' : more link text (Default: 'More...')

6 Aug 31, 2006 07:18

Ok, so now check skins ->archives.php and see what the number there is set as.

# number of archive entries to display:
if(!isset($archive_limit)) $archive_limit = 12;

7 Aug 31, 2006 12:25

Once again, 12.


I take it nobody else has had this problem then?

10 Sep 01, 2006 04:16

Thanks Yabba, looks like it did.

The "SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS" change mentioned there seemed to correct the error (added it to the queries in lines 375, 385 and 396).

I don't use the sidebar archive plugin in my default skin but it's probably handy to know. Thanks muchly! ;)

11 Sep 01, 2006 17:04

Glad it fixed things ;)


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