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1 Sep 07, 2006 17:10    

Hi bloggers and programmers,

I really have noe clue whats going on after updating to v1.8.1-RC

Cookies for my second blog dont work
Maybe someone can tell me what to do to solve this problem:

the blog is installed here:

There are two blogs I'm currently running
1. hiddenblog (thats the name of the main blog, the first blog)
2. stinkeblog (the second blog)

the first blog should be accessable through
the second blog should therefore be accessible through

So I took the example stub-file and entered the id of stinkeblog and altered the path at the botoom of the example file to something like "/../hiddenblog/conf/" and both blogs are accessible as wanted

But cookies dont work (I have to login every time I one of the sites) and furhter I have no clue what to setup in the blog settings with the whole URL-thing and stubname thing. That is so damn complicated and I havent found a good description.

Any help is very pleased. Thanks in advance.

2 Sep 07, 2006 22:41

There are two cookies/sessions for each blog.

To solve this, set

$cookie_path = '/';

in your stub file(s) or the /conf/_advanced.php file (the variable might be named different, have not checked).

Currently it uses the path "/stinkeblog" or "/hiddenblog" and therefor the cookies are different for each blog.

3 Sep 08, 2006 01:52

It did work very well after I deleted the old cookies!

Thank you very much!

Finally I got used to the whole stubfile-thing
Great work!

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