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1 Sep 08, 2006 18:34    

I'm trying to figure out a way to make a page (maybe a stub file?) where it shows a listing of all posts on a blog. In particular, I was thinking of structuring based off of the "most viewed" code below:

      $TOPART = new ItemList($blog, array(), '', '', -1, '', array(),
         '', 'DESC', 'views', 200);
      echo "<ul>";
      while ($TOPART_ITEM = $TOPART->get_item()) {
         echo "<li><a href=\"", $TOPART_ITEM->permanent_url(); 
         echo "\">", $TOPART_ITEM->title('','',false), "</a>";
         echo "&npsp;","(",$TOPART_ITEM->views('','',false),")","&npsp;";
      echo "</ul>";

Any thoughts?

2 Sep 08, 2006 19:29

Assuming 1.8.1 (and totally off the top of my head) :-

$posts = 99999999;
$blog = 1; // replace with blog number
$orderby = 'views';
$order = 'desc';
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/conf/_config.php';
require $inc_path.'';


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