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1 Sep 15, 2006 10:40    

How can I make the RSS feed to syndicate/display the full content instead of cutting it to "Read More" link?


2 Sep 20, 2006 17:52

I'm not 100% on this, but maybe this will set you in the right direction?

The RSS feed is simply another skin and you should be able to test for it right before you spit out the $content() in _main.php.

Summat like:

if $tempskin=='_rss' { 
  content(without the more) } else { your normal content with the more }

Just an untested thought.

3 Sep 20, 2006 20:50

or, skins/_rss2/_main.php add this to the top :-

$more = 'summat';

Being the cowboy I am, this is 100% untested :D


4 Sep 20, 2006 22:30

Well and there you go ... that's right, since it's its own skin, it'll have its own _main.php and it's there that you need to jamb up the $more dealie.

Mind you, there were a tad of "it's/its" in that last sentence.

However ... be wary of English cowboys who ride side-saddle. :| (It's not a pretty sight). :p

5 Apr 19, 2007 02:30

Hmm... thanks.
im more confused lol :p

anyways, I'm moving to Atom ;) then start to find out how to show the full content instead of the default setting.

Any chance the Atom version of b2e gets updated?
( )

6 Apr 19, 2007 18:14

Nev mind. 1.9.x's Atom is already at v1.0.

Now what I have to figure out is how to show the complete entry via Atom without the "read more =>" showing up.

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