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1 Sep 24, 2006 05:36    

Ladies & Gents,

since, let's say, 3 weeks, all of a sudden my comment function is a total mess. I didn't change anything to the code, nothing, but browser-independet I encounter a strange behaviour. When someone enters a comment, it sometimes gets displayed as "690", "696" or whatever. This is not always and I have no clue where it comes from.

Help, anybody?

Thanks folks!

2 Sep 24, 2006 22:05

The new comment form uses "p" as name for the comment textarea, but "p" also gets used to refer to a a title by ID, e.g.

Try the following: in /htsrv/comment_post.php find

$comment = param( 'p', 'html' );

and replace the line with:

$comment = param( 'p', 'html', '', false, true /* override */ );

Form is loading...