1 beast84 Sep 26, 2006 12:33
3 neldor Oct 22, 2006 01:39
Got the same problem at the upload (a mp3 file).
got this error with debug mode:
Could not "SET NAMES latin1"! (MySQL error: Unknown system variable 'NAMES'(Errno=1193))
I can add that i've got:
Memory usage: 8.89 Mo
I've added the file type audio/mp3 in the admin panel.
My max upload size logically big enough (in B2 and my php.ini).
Maybe a timeout?
4 blueyed Oct 22, 2006 20:03
"SET NAMES latin1" is not a problem here.
How big is the file? There are at least two PHP ini settings involved.
See http://php.net/manual/features.file-upload.common-pitfalls.php
5 neldor Oct 23, 2006 00:11
That comes from those... with smaller files, everything is ok.
I have to check my size limitations (seems like i'll never be able to upload consequent mp3 on this server by web upload).
Thanks :)
6 sremick May 02, 2007 20:45
Bump. I'm having the same problem (1.9.3). This is the first time I've tried uploading since upgrading.
I changed my directory from 775 to 777 to test, problem persists.
My "Maximum allowed filesize" is set to 1024 (KB).
Both my "Valid filename" and "Valid dirname" are still set to the default: ^[a-zA-Z0-9\-_.]+$
Any suggestions?
Has it ever worked?
Is your host using open_basedir perhaps, has not included the upload_tmpdir and is affected by [url=http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=38934]this PHP bug[/url].
Might be something completely different.
Please see http://manual.b2evolution.net/Debugging and especially set the PHP error_reporting and display_errors parameters. It should display a warning then, additional to the error from b2evo.
And please report back.