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1 Oct 05, 2006 16:23    

I've researched a bit and want to make sure I can do what I need before taking the b2e plunge. Can I have multiple blogs that can be protected from everyone not in a specific usergroup? If I have blogs A, B, and C, I'd want to have a usergroup A that can see blog A, group B can see blog B, etc. I'd also be able to assign multiple groups to a user so user AB can be in groups A and B and can therefore view blogs A and B.

Thanks in advance for your help!


2 Oct 05, 2006 16:37

The post below this one is almost the same but I'm looking for it on the viewable side of things. Sorry if it seems like I didn't research and just posted - I did look around.

3 Oct 05, 2006 16:41

- multiple groups per user are not possible yet
- blogs cannot be hidden from users by default, but you could write a simple plugin to deny access, if the user is not a member of a blog, but that would e.g. not hide the link to the blogs in the bloglist etc.

4 Oct 05, 2006 17:49

What would be my best resource for learning how to write that plugin. I'd like to give it a go and would be happy to share the plugin, but I'm not a programmer but can play around with code.

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