Hey all, I have tweaked and setup my B2 blog on a temporary site and now wish to bring it across to my production environment.
Both sites carry PHP/MySQL and I will be making a clone of the database, and was hoping to transfer all B2 files from one to the other, are there any forseeable problems regarding this??
Thanks in advance for anyone's help who has done this before or knows ofd any pitfalls to look for!
Is $baseurl changing? It's in your conf/_basic_config.php file so you'll need to think about that. Any images or files that you linked, or smilies you've instered in posts will have the current $baseurl converted to linkage and stored in the database, so you'll have to either edit the post or tinker with the database via phpmyadmin.
Basically though if you've got your database and files (including of course database connection info) you should be good to go.