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1 Oct 13, 2006 15:15    

I can't upload images to a directory I created using an ftp program rather than b2'd file manager. I cannot track down how to fix the problem.

Outside b2's file manager, I created an additional directory to hold image files. The permissions on the new directory are identical to those on the other media subdirectories. But, when I try to upload an image to the new directory, I get these errors:

Warning: move_uploaded_file(/home/rockyhil/public_html/Blogs/media/blogs/hillside/Oct06/taxi.jpg): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/rockyhil/public_html/Blogs/inc/CONTROL/files/files.php on line 1037

Warning: move_uploaded_file(): Unable to move '/tmp/phpXXQTD4' to '/home/rockyhil/public_html/Blogs/media/blogs/hillside/Oct06/taxi.jpg' in /home/rockyhil/public_html/Blogs/inc/CONTROL/files/files.php on line 1037

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/rockyhil/public_html/Blogs/inc/CONTROL/files/files.php:1037) in /home/rockyhil/public_html/Blogs/inc/VIEW/_menutop.php on line 38

Usually, I can find my way through the code, but I need help here. I just cannot figure out what is going on and therefore can't fix it.

2 Oct 14, 2006 04:38

What are the permissions of "Oct06"? If they are e.g. 755, then your FTP user can write, but the PHP-user (which may be different) cannot.

3 Oct 14, 2006 19:18

Thanks blueyed!

I can make it work by changing the permissions from 775 to 777 BUT here's the weird thing - it works fine with another subdirectory (at the same level - Sept06) where the permissions are set at 755.

I don't really want to leave the permissions on any directory at 777, particularly when I don't understand what's going on.

5 Oct 20, 2006 22:15

Awesome! Thanks very, very much.

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