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1 Oct 17, 2006 16:52    


I'm fooling around with caolanm's [url=]"oooblogger"[/url] extension to openoffice, which adds blogging support to OOo. I'd like to make it work with b2evo but don't know that much about b2evo's internals and/or how well b2evo works with python. I was hoping someone could give me some pointers before I start messing with the source code...

thanks much,


2 Oct 17, 2006 19:35

oooblogger seems to use the XMLRPC API and currently only the ATOM support.

I'm not sure, if b2evo supports this, but you may just want to try pointing it at your /xmlsrv/xmlrpc.php file on your blog.

3 Oct 17, 2006 20:05

i'm working on it. the code is actually pretty simple, and I don't think it should take all that much work to get it to support b2evo. I can now get posts, blogs, and categories via python on the command line. I can't yet add a post, but will work on that; then it's a matter of integrating with the GUI which will I guess require some tinkering.

this page:
was very helpful in helping me understand what methods are supported nad what parameters they take in b2evo.


4 Oct 17, 2006 20:43


But you should at least use the 1.8 API.
(See for all available variants).

Additional, the URL you've used contains an outdated file.. have you found it through Google?
(I'll look into removing the outdated files now)

Update: I've edited the rsync command in the doc-building scripts and now obsolete files get deleted when uploading the docs. Also the "chosen variant" gets highlighted/emphasized.

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