2 fplanque Sep 17, 2014 22:04

Regarding the issue with plugin codes, I can only reproduce it with newly installed plugins (we need to fix this), not with already installed ones. Can you further explain how to reproduce what you describe?
I will try to explain.
There were some plugins installed. In copied all files to the server and then copied the "old" plugins, which were not in the new plugin folder into this folder. The AntiSpam Basic was in the new folder, so I don't copy this.
But the AntiSpam Basic has no Code in the table. I guess, this will not be changed while updated?
The "old" plugins I have reloaded in the plugin tab and that was all. No problems with them.
Ah ok, thank you.
It appears that the basic antispam plugin doesn't really need a code but we now enforce a code which doesn't make complete sense. You can enter anything you want for that plugin's code.
Not neccessary you said. But the setting side of this plug in means: there must be a code, minimum 8 chars.
So I guess, this is a bug - and changes will be done if I change the entries?
Thanks for reporting.
The version warning should be gone by now (if not, go to "System Status" page to force a quick refresh)
We are investigating on the other issues.