2 mgsolipa Dec 03, 2014 23:35

In the most part everything went ok but there were a couple of Deprecated messages in the upgrade output that I'm a bit worried about. They are in code rather than anything to do with the database. Can anyone shed any light on them. I know "deprecated" isn't always bad but this is new code so perhaps where shouldn't be any deprecated warnings at all?
Checking files...
Preparing to install .htaccess ... Install successful.
Upgrading data in existing b2evolution database...
Loading module: _core/model/__core.install.php
Loading module: collections/model/_collections.install.php
Loading module: files/model/_files.install.php
Loading module: sessions/model/_sessions.install.php
Loading module: messaging/model/_messaging.install.php
Loading module: maintenance/model/_maintenance.install.phpChecking DB schema version... 11110 : OK.
Upgrading comments table... OK.
Convert email addresses to lowercase... OK.
Upgrading blogs table... OK.
Updating general settings... OK.
Upgrading blogs table... OK.
Upgrade table of base domains... OK.
Create table for file links voting... OK.
Create table for goal categories... OK.
Update links table... OK.
Upgrading Blogs table... OK.
Upgrading Comments table... OK.
Upgrading Files table... OK.
Create table for email campaigns... OK.
Create table for email campaign send data... OK.
Rename table "email blocked" to "email address"... OK.
Upgrading table of email addresses... OK.
Upgrading blog-group permissions table... OK.
Upgrading blog-user permissions table... OK.
Dropping obsolete columns from table Links... OK.
Turn off smart view counting... OK.
Upgrading Posts table... OK.
Upgrading Files table... OK.
Creating DB schema version checkpoint at 11200... OK. (Elapsed upgrade time: 7 seconds)
Upgrade hitlog table... OK.
Creating DB schema version checkpoint at 11208... OK. (Elapsed upgrade time: 9 seconds)
Updating widgets setting... OK.
Updating files hash values... OK.
Upgrading goals table... OK.
Creating DB schema version checkpoint at 11210... OK. (Elapsed upgrade time: 9 seconds)
Upgrading countries table... OK.
Creating DB schema version checkpoint at 11220... OK. (Elapsed upgrade time: 10 seconds)
Updating general settings... OK.
Creating DB schema version checkpoint at 11240... OK. (Elapsed upgrade time: 10 seconds)
Updating Antispam IP Ranges table... OK.
Updating invalid locale settings... OK.
Creating DB schema version checkpoint at 11245... OK. (Elapsed upgrade time: 10 seconds)
Convert item content separators from [ teaserbreak ] to [ teaserbreak ] and [ pagebreak ] to [ pagebreak ]... No old separators were found.
Creating DB schema version checkpoint at 11250... OK. (Elapsed upgrade time: 10 seconds)
Updating post types... OK.
Creating DB schema version checkpoint at 11255... OK. (Elapsed upgrade time: 10 seconds)
Clean up comment emails... OK.
Convert the field collations from ascii_bin to ascii_general_ci... OK.
Creating DB schema version checkpoint at 11260... OK. (Elapsed upgrade time: 27 seconds)
Upgrading comments table... OK.
Upgrading sessions table... OK.
Creating DB schema version checkpoint at 11270... OK. (Elapsed upgrade time: 28 seconds)
Upgrading hit logs table... OK.
Upgrading blogs table... OK.
Calling modules for individual upgrades...
Creating DB schema version checkpoint at 11280... OK. (Elapsed upgrade time: 30 seconds)
(Re-)Initializing caches...
Deprecated: Non-static method BlockCache::invalidate_key() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/blog_new/inc/collections/model/_blog.class.php on line 2354Deprecated: Non-static method BlockCache::cacheproviderstore() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/blog_new/inc/_core/model/_blockcache.class.php on line 97
Deprecated: Non-static method BlockCache::invalidate_key() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/blog_new/inc/collections/model/_blog.class.php on line 2355
Deprecated: Non-static method BlockCache::cacheproviderstore() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/blog_new/inc/_core/model/_blockcache.class.php on line 97
Invalidating all page caches to make sure they don't contain old action links... OK.
Reloading installed plugins to make sure their config is up to date... OK.
Installing new default plugins (if any)... OK.
Checking if some default cron jobs need to be installed...
Creating default scheduled jobs... OK.
Checking timing of upgrade... OK.
Recreate autogenerated post excerpts... . . . .OK.
Starting to check DB...The database schema is up to date.
Upgrade completed successfully!
Now you can log in with your usual b2evolution username and password.
Hi @davidnewcomb,
Those messages are generated by the same feature deprecated in PHP 5.6.x (http://php.net/manual/en/migration56.deprecated.php). As you said, at this moment, those messages take no practical effect, but in future versions of PHP, they will. So, the developers should fix it shortly.
Thanks for reporting.