1 scribbly Jul 15, 2019 08:35
3 scribbly Jul 16, 2019 10:41
So by not activating you mean they are sent an email to activate, and don't follow up?
Yep. And the usernames all follow a similar formula.
I think there's a setting to automatically change them after a period of so many days, but just wanted to double-check if I should be quicker or not.
4 zebulon Jul 17, 2019 16:20
I usually delete them. Since they are not interested in activating it (maybe due to using a fake or wrong mail address) I guess their intent is spamming.
Hi @scribbly
So by not activating you mean they are sent an email to activate, and don't follow up?
Sounds a lot like a bot and would delete them from my database, just to clean things up, but then my site is not set up for public registration and I can't an issue with a little bit of trash in the database.