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1 Dec 19, 2013 00:30    


i updated from a 4.x version to the latest 5.06 version and now the analytics page is conpletly empty. The hits are collected and in the mysql db, but i dont see anything on that analytics page. Any hints, what that could be?

It looks like that :

2 Dec 19, 2013 10:28

Hi @hoergen,

That's a nasty issue. Could you please try this:

1 Disable one by one each plugin and widget, specially if you have any third-party installed (it might be outdated and incompatible with our latest changes)
2 Enable the debugging mode and share its output here. Copy&Paste or a screenshot are enough.


3 Dec 19, 2013 15:25

Thanks for your quick reply,

I disbled all plugins and all widgets step by step and turned on debuging, as ist is described. To be sure I restarted the apache server. Except that there is now in the Menu "Overview, View, Write, Blog, More" another entry called "JS log". When I click on that entry nothing happens. The Page looks the same, as the screenshot I posted. On every other page i have the debug information available, but not on the Analytics page.

Anything else I can do? Is there a log file I can check?

4 Dec 20, 2013 09:30

It looks like a PHP error that freezes your page at that point. Then, another option could be to check its output enabling display_errors = On or looking into the log files (your hosting provider should say you how to find them). Please check this page, and ensure that $display_errors_on_production is set to true (at least during this error hunting process).

Any information you find and share could be useful to diagnose the problem and find out a solution.


5 Dec 20, 2013 10:10

display_errors = On is set by default. debug is set, i configured php with a memory limit of 256MB in php.ini and restarted apache2 but still no output on this page. I checked apaches errors_log & access_log , but there is as well nothing that gives me a hint.

I think you are right and php crashes at that point. That would explain why there is not debug data output. But how can I find out, if php really crashes. Cant' find a special log for php ..

6 Jan 04, 2014 19:46

No solution till now. Still everything is empty and no errors. :( Maybe the next update solves it.

7 Jan 04, 2014 20:48

Hi @hoergen,

I didn't ask you before but, do you have this issue only at the "Global hits" subtab? What happend with "Browser hits" or "Robots hits" and the other tabs? Always the same situation?

There are several places where log files could be configured, then locate them in your server could be a little bit tricky. Sometimes, the log files destination is defined in the apache configuration file, its name and location depends on your server configuration, it could be /etc/apache/http.conf or /etc/apache/sites-available/default, even a .htaccess file. The other place generally used to define the log files location is the PHP configuration file: php.ini.

The only way I could reproduce an issue like yours was deliverated adding a PHP sentence that generates an error in the file /blogs/inc/sessions/views/_stats_summary.view.php. Even with something like this: echo abc(); //non-existent function, the fatal error mesage is displayed and also the debug info below it. Then I would recomend that, according your PHP skills, dig deeper depurating that file in order to find the source of the problem that makes your site freeze that way.

In my humble opinion, I think that new versions will not solve your problem. Also, knowing that you already did almost all the basic stuff on this cases, if it's out of your PHP skills, there is always the option to contact this guys for a direct professional help:

Otherwise, we always will be here trying to help you.


8 Apr 08, 2014 08:58

I found it finaly, because i ran in another problem.

There was the wrong group set on the file system (webserver access group). I think it came from a backup/restore so that instead of the group "psdata" the group "psacln" was set. I changed it and everything is working like a charm!

But thank all of you for your help!

Have a nice week. :)

PS: Why is this post not public?

9 Apr 08, 2014 23:06

Nice @hoergen, it might be a little bit difficult for us to realize a such specific issue like that, but the important thing is that your site is already working properly.

Regarding the comments in this forum, each new one is visible to all the logged in users, after a quick check made by moderators (basically fighting against spam), the messages are set to "Public" status, turning them visible for everyone.


10 May 19, 2015 15:46

I ran in the same problem again. But changing the file permission user/group didn't help.
Now I can't see the analytics page, the plugins (system/plugins), Email and can't activate the WYSWYG editor.
Using 5.2.2 stable

Maybe it is a problem with the file and directory permissions ?
Could someone provide me for every directory and file the permissions (ls -la) ?

Thanks .

12 Aug 30, 2015 18:38

Hmm I still didn't find the problem.
Today I upgraded to V6.6.3 and still no analytics. But I found something very strange. This problem only exists on Firefox. With Chrome i can access everything and see everything.

I tried Firefox without any addons on Linux and Windows (difrent machines), but still the same. I cant use b2evolution with Firefox anymore.

What is your experience?


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