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1 Jul 24, 2013 18:58    

Hi All,

I'm trying to learn as much as I can about b2evolution, and am reading as much of the documentation as I can.

It's not always convenient to be at a computer with en Internet connection, so I prefer to have documentation available in an off-line format, such as .pdf or preferably .epub.

Is there any off-line documentation to b2evolution Version 5?

If not, is there any documentation available that is not HTML, such as txt or Word doc?

If not, can the documentation be extracted from the database into a separate file?

How is the documentation for Version 5 being created? Is it written and later uploaded to the site, or is it entered into the site as a blog post or documentation post?

I would be happy to edit the documentation as I read through it, and help to improve the available information!


2 Jul 24, 2013 19:09

The documentation is edited directly on the site. It is a b2evolution blog of type "Online Manual", same as you can have in b2evo v5.

Unfortunately we have no way of exporting it to a flat file at this time. This should come later.

You should be able to add comments on each manual page if there are things to edit. Please do so. You may even copy/paste paragraphs and rewrite the parts you want to. We will reintegrate all of this after review. We used to let anyone edit directly the manual pages but that led to many factual errors in the doc that were extremely confusing to other users. I also have in mind some really bad advice on server security posing as official documentation... So we curate everything now ;)

Thanks for your help.

3 Jul 24, 2013 20:04

You can download it using HTTrack i guess.

4 Jul 24, 2013 20:25

Hi All!

fplanque - I figured that you'd be using b2evo v5 to enter the documentation, since that's a feature of v5.

I can understand that allowing direct edits can become a problem. I could just leave comments, though that might be a bit more work due to having to show the "before" and "after" for each edit, so the curator knows what changes to make.

I'll think about maybe a way to make that easier.

Thanks, too, to tilgicom for suggesting HTTrack. I hadn't thought of using that.

What I did was use Adobe PDF Professional to download the documentation and create a pdf file of it. That worked, but it ends up with extra pages at the end, and it also shows the "recursion error" that I mentioned in this post:

I'd prefer to have the docs in a directly readable format, so that I can read them on my ereader. But making a copy with HTTrack might work, too. Maybe I could use HTTrack to create the HTML, then convert the HTML to pdf...

Funny how sometimes the more we make progress, the more we fall behind!


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