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1 Jun 17, 2019 11:33    

Hi Since upgrading from 6.10.8 to 6.11.2 I have just noticed the comments to posts do not show. Well the whole feedback section doesn't.

I'm using a modified [simple_zen] skin and had used code to hide the feedback block if soemone wasn't logged in

//	if (($Item->ID == 627 or $Item->ID == 492 or $Item->ID == 484) or !isset($current_User))
		//echo 'style="display:none">'; 

As you can see it is commented out, but anyway the section is invisible whether logged in or not.

I'm sure this is just a skin issue and will try another skin, but thought this anomaly may be of some use toy soemone.

2 Jun 17, 2019 12:07

Just a skin thing, block and comments showing using 'bootstrap' and 'business' skins so will sort it soon hopefully.

3 Jun 17, 2019 15:24

Ok Maybe there has been a change to the [] in v6.11.2.

If I make my modified version, in my skin, invisible then all is fine??


Well I say fine but I have noticed a warning at the top of the screen when I edit a comment.


Hasn't happened again, yet :)

4 Jun 25, 2019 23:33

Has this been fixed with the other PHP 7.3 bug fixes?

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