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1 Mar 08, 2017 13:02    

I would like to have the color picker show up for font color changes, for instance making some words stand out to get the reader to see it for info they may need.

I have tried this code in the TinyMCE init area but if I do so without the image plugins I get the buttons to add text color and background color but the image advtab disappears.

Same way if I leave off the text color code then I get my image button back but no font color choices

the code I tried is: height : "300", gecko_spellcheck : true, plugins: "image", image_advtab: true, "textcolor colorpicker", toolbar: "forecolor backcolor",

BTW, I did try to actually write out the code for either image or color code but it only shows the code and not actual do what it is supposed to do.

I would be happy with a drop menu for font colors vs the little A buttons

2 Mar 13, 2017 23:15

Hi @darkangel,

As explained here: (see section Manage plugins), you need to concatenate all the plugins within the same quotes.

So, the following line will add the color pickers and keep the advanced tab for images too:

height : "300", gecko_spellcheck : true, plugins: "image, importcss, link, pagebreak, morebreak, textcolor, media, nonbreaking, charmap, fullscreen, table, searchreplace, autocomplete", image_advtab: true

3 Mar 14, 2017 09:56

Thank you so very much, seems every time there is an update something goes bye this time I went to add an image I uploaded via the files area, it used to be when I did that>selected the image>went to the bottom, there was a selection to add it inline (I would have clicked with my cursor where I wanted the image placed) but now it is gone...granted I do not use that area much since I usually just write in the url to the not a big enormous deal.

I will go add that code are great. I tried every combination I could and nothing would work.

Have a great week.

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