2 amoun Jul 04, 2020 22:41
Thanks for the reply
On the first issue, I changed the files permission for _cache and media to 777
The system status shows all green except:
PHP mbstring extension: Not loaded
PHP opcode cache: none
PHP user cache: none
REST API: Failed
This API doesn't work properly on this server. You should probably update your .htaccess file to the latest version and check the file permissions of this file. Error: ob_end_flush(): failed to delete and flush buffer. No buffer to delete or flush
XML-RPC: Failed
This API doesn't work properly on this server. Error: Didn't receive 200 OK from remote server. (HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found)
The problem happens with any kind of file either with drag and drop or with the file browser.
If the quick-uploads directory doesn't exist it creates one and there's the file.
On the second issue, I'll ask my hosting provider to enable fifo_open() and see what happens.
Thanks again
My host provider enabled fifo_open() and all problems solved.
I was, too, unable to upload any files to my blog. It always failed. This happened after I changed the credentials on the server from ssl to https.
Resolution(in my case): In file _basic_config.php I set $baseurl to https: // ... (before it was http: // ...)
it worked for me!
My version: 7.1.5-stable released on 2020-05-01
You're welcome!
Hi @ferhoyo
For the second issue Re. file manager see posthttps://forums.b2evolution.net/uncaught-error-call-to-undefined-function-finfo_open and comment 9 of that topic especially.
On the first issueb I've never had such a problem and 7.1.5 works fine on my host in both cases.
I wonder what could have chnaged the file permission ?? Not a b2evo script I would imagine but maybe a .htaccess one. Can you check the staus of the install maybe Site > System > Status
Do you have problems with uploading other files and have you tried using the option of selcting the file from the desktop for example rather that using the quick upload.