2 fplanque Jan 07, 2020 17:38

Would it be too demanding to make a compulsory checkbox(s) to tick which major version 6,5,4 etc when making a query?
We have no such feature in b2evolution for now.
We'll get there eventually but we are currently overloaded with client / Pro support & dev.
I didn't mean too demanding for you :) though I get that ~ I meant do you think it's too demanding for the user to have to go to all the trouble of being asked to tick a box as clearly some don't enter requested details on new posts for instance. Sort of tongue in cheek but ????
We will add the required fields when we have them available (currently upgrading this site to b2evo v7, which is a prerequisite to almost any new stuff ;)
If the user thinks its too demanding of them to specify the info correctly but not too demanding of us to make us guess, then... eh...
It's hard because most posts do not have a version number attached and also a post for 6.10.8 may be relevant for 6.11.3