1 nospy Sep 02, 2018 01:20
3 nospy Sep 02, 2018 15:29
Nothing I do not know what are the parameters to put so that the members of b2 evolutions can connect to the forum IPB (Invision ...)
4 amoun Sep 02, 2018 15:38
I looked at the page on your link. Do you have queries about those parameters?
5 nospy Sep 02, 2018 18:07
It's in Database Schema Details that I do not know what to do with it
6 amoun Sep 03, 2018 10:05
Can you not open the database and see the (table, field names0 etc.
If you have phpMyAdmin on your host cPanel you can browse the database for table that contains the user data and then see the column for user name and password etc
7 fplanque Sep 05, 2018 15:39
Note: not sure about the size/features of your forum but b2evolution has its own built in forums feature. You might want to consider using it.
8 nospy Jan 20, 2019 00:39
I use invision to manage paid subscriptions with automatic renewal and billing for the accountant of the club members. For the moment B2evoltuon does not allow it.
9 fplanque Jan 20, 2019 00:48
We may add support for paid memberships. If you could add screenshots of the missing features (essentially payment screens but also membership management) it would help (don't forget to blur out sensitive information)
What payment processor do you use?
10 nospy Jan 20, 2019 02:32
We use BVR and Paypal
About BVR
What have you tried :)