1 kerinetkev Dec 31, 2021 16:26
3 amoun Dec 31, 2021 20:53
Hi and welcome to the forum,
You have another post that says solved ??? W"hat is that.
As this is local site on your own machine it looks like you haven't given your self enough permissions.
Try changing them.
4 kerinetkev Dec 31, 2021 21:26
Hi Amoun,
apologies, I managed to submit a duplicate.
The install script initially notified me of some permission issues which I fixed, but all the links point to evoadm.php which has 644 and is owned by user and group www-data.
evoadm.php is in the root directory for the site.
Thanks man
5 kerinetkev Dec 31, 2021 22:17
when I click on the "Go to the dashboard & start creating --> " link
Welcome to b2evolution
Your b2evolution CMS is installed and working but there is no content yet.
Go to the dashboard & start creating →
GitHub page
I get the below error in the /var/log/site-access.log - - [31/Dec/2021:21:13:04 +0000] "GET /b2evolution/evoadm.php?ctrl=dashboard HTTP/1.1" 404 496 "http://mytestingsite.com/index.php" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/96.0.4664.110 Safari/537.36"
6 amoun Jan 04, 2022 17:59
As this is a test site you could try another installation with content. I remember something similar, will try and find a post on that.