2 amoun Mar 24, 2019 18:37

Thanks for your recommendation but I am a newbe and need help TO DO the upgrade!
It won't be an upgrade it will be a new install.
All instructions are at https://b2evolution.net/man/installation-guide
Start at section 5
If you have problems get back here and make a new post something like ' New install problem at section 5.* of manual'
Have fun
Am I to understand you can happily install a new upto date version but want to be able to use either or both a) the old database and b) the old skin.
To ensure either of (a,b) you can try and get a copy of the old version. So one question is how did you install it so many years ago and hence do you or whomever installed it have a copy. If neither of the later then either search the web for the version as named in post https://b2evolution.net/downloads/1-10-2-quot-florida or create a new post here specifically asking for an old copy of it.
Still it will be hard to see how you are going to upgrade from there, especially given your view that the manual/help etc is too difficult for you to implement.
My suggestion is you install the current stable version and start from there for now, else you will spend more time thinking and talking about it than doing it.
1) No matter which method is used, I am not able to do it alone!
And 2) given the minor possibility of losing material due to the old databases, I prefer not to touch the old blog and start a new one by linking to the old blog when necessary! What do you think!
To install and put into operation the new version, is it difficult for a newbe? Has the posibility of two languages as in https://eba-stats.website/ebablogs/?
Thanks in advance for your advices, but I thiunk that I also need help!
Go ahead an install version 6.10.7, the instructions are at https://b2evolution.net/man/installation-guide
If you need help installing then you may want to employ a local person who is used to setting up a database and installing via ftp or find a host that has the option of an automatic install all as explained in the link above.
The solution may be easier than you think, try to access with the URL "http://www.eba-stats.website/ebablogs/index.php/a" (no https and with www). You may need to adjust your htaccess file in the root folder to fix the redirect, or maybe there is an option in the b2evolution menu. The 2 versions are working fine : english/spanish.
Take a look at the following screen captures:
Thanks a lot for your help! #9 The King I sent your proposals to my server support!
Appreciate it!
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Install version 6.10.7 from scratch. https://b2evolution.net/downloads/
You can save the database before you reinstall but I'm sure any data in the database is so old may not worth bothering to keep., though I see someone else did not have much luck using the old database https://b2evolution.net/downloads/1-10-2-quot-florida