2 achillis Feb 16, 2018 06:54

Not sure the screenshot would help it simply shows my widgets page with a box in front with the error message I reported above which is :
This action can only be performed with HTTP_REFERER = http://www.boscombebandsa.org.uk
I have done the debug and cannot see what might have generated this error (however, I am no expert when it comes to reading the debug output) - the only things I notice are some errors from the locales and I seem to get that happening on every page I access now that I am seeingthe debug info, and it doesn't generate any error box - except when I try to edit the widget contents.
When I access the widget directly from the front page I can successfully change the contents (Specifically I am trying to change some free html) - it is only when I try to access it from the dashboard that I get the error.
Hope that helps a bit!
a screenshot reveals more than just the actual error, it shows exactly where you are (navigational) when you get the error. If you are on a pc hit print screen
, open paint.exe and hit ctrl+v
or just shift+cmd+3
Hi @grmat158 please try to debug the issue further, to enable debugging: open ../conf/_advanced.php
and find :
$debug = 'pwd';
$debug_jslog = 'pwd';
and change to
$debug = 1;
$debug_jslog = 1;
Then go back and visit/load the page where the error/notice/warning occurred. Debugging information for JavaScript will appear at the top of the page.
Also, does this happen after you edit and hit the SAVE
The Ajax Debug Log gave me
request time: 2018-2-16 15:3:36.951
response time: 2018-2-16 15:3:39.826
roundtrip time: 2sec 875 ms
url: http://www.boscombebandsa.org.uk/admin.php
POST data: ctrl=widgets&action=edit&wi_ID=192&crumb_widget=7zwZDoenUL8uw0yh8ZvsOeJmdlvDkF77&nocache_dummy=1518793416950&display_mode=js
response data type: script
Still haven't solved this....but I do have a little more information.
It seems that the "referrer error" occurs after the action has been completed. So, for instance if I click on "disable widget" I receive the error message - however, if I navigate to another view and then go back to the widgets the widget has been disabled correctly.
Not sure that helps any, but I am still investigating
To continue...
I have now hit a "catch 22" ... I am able to edit widgets by viewing the front page, selecting "Widgets" from the menu, and then clicking "edit" for the appropriate widget.
Unfortunately, the next one I would like to change (to format it similarly to other sidebar entries) is the "Login" - which, of course only appears when I am logged out and unable to access the top menu!!
Does anyone have a suggestion about how I might be able to get round this one - assuming I cannot solve the original "referrer" issue that is.
Many thanks
Is your .htaccess
standard? Or did you customize it?
Also, considering upgrading to the latest version and see if it is resolved?
Thanks Achillis for your continued suggestions....
I had actually updated yesterday - no change - still getting the same messages.
My htaccess did not include a lot of the "sample" - I have now copied that into htaccess with the exception of the default document - because of the way that my site works that is not something I want to do. None of that made any difference to the errors.
I was looking through some of the code and found one check of HTTP_REFERER in admin.php however I am pretty sure that isn't where the message is coming from given that it seems to originate after the action has been carried out.. I am at a bit of a loss as to why the HTTP_REFERER would not be correct anyway.
The only thought I had was that the referring domain is a subdomain - but that doesn't seem to have made any difference. I just did a clean install of b2evolution on my main domain (which I hadn't done before) and the error happens there as well on that.
please just verify what you have for $baseurl
in conf/_basic_config.php
$baseurl = 'http://www.boscombebandsa.org.uk/';
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Hi @grmat158 please can you post a screenshot for this issue so that we have a visual aid to help identify this issue better?
On the interim, you can also try to debug the issue to help us assist you better http://b2evolution.net/man/debugging
to enable debugging: open
and find$debug = 'pwd'
; and change to$debug = 1;
Then go back and visit/load the page where the error/notice/warning occurred. Debugging information will appear at the bottom of the page.