2 achillis Oct 08, 2016 15:45
Regarding a previous request. b2evo 6.7.8 will include these new hooks:
- SkinEndHtmlHead
- SkinBeginHtmlBody
Updated doc page: http://b2evolution.net/man/list-of-plugin-hooks
Regarding class questions: I'm really not a big fan of the plugins messing with the backoffice layout. So yes please make your point with a screenshot showing the problem. Thanks.
Is the dev team considering adding the download hooks?
Yes, they should already be in 6.7.8 on GitHub.
WidgetBegin and WidgetEndSettingsForm are on GitHub, but BeforeDownloadAction and AfterDownloadAction are not?
Ah see, that's what happens when you mix different requests in a single forum topic! :p
I don't understand how these hooks are supposed to work.
Can you please post a screenshot with arrows showing exactly when and where you expect those events to fire? (ideally in a similar way to the screenshot above) And give one (just one) example of what a plugin might do when the event fires?
@fplanque wrote earlier:
Thanks, WidgetsBeginSettingsForm() and WidgetsEndSettingsForm() will be perfect. Thanks!