2 fplanque May 03, 2019 11:16

0 - 2 Thanks, tried, but this did not solve the problem.
ad 3) Because - after two updates - the problem with sorting order remains in this collection (see https://forums.b2evolution.net/concept-of-sorting-in-category-settings) I tried to replace the actual main category by another. To manage this I shifted all related pages to the new created category which I set as main category. In a next step I wanted to delete the old, replaced main category - and here the problem popped up.
I hope that this sorting order problem is related to this - now replaced - category and will dissolve after having deleted this category (what, by now seems problematic). I presume that the sorting order problem may be affected by probably failed db action)
in case all the ropes snap I will copy the content blocks and delete those ones which are related to the category I want to delete.
Thanks and Regards, Will
@saunders ah yes, deleting the content blocks and recreating them is probably the quickest solution at this point.
Note: will be fixed in next release.
Hum, we will need to address that.
The content blocks have been created in the default category and now you want to delete the (previously) default category.
What I would do as a temporary solution would be this:
0) Absolutely refrain from poking at the DB which may create inconsistencies that come back to bite you in several months.
1) Make sure the category you are deleting is no longer set as main category
2) re-save the content blocks to see if b2evo assigns them to the new default category (i-e: not the one you want to delete)
3) If that doesn't work, do this procedure: