2 fplanque Aug 13, 2019 15:38

Going to your site the first line is an error
Deprecated: __autoload() is deprecated, use spl_autoload_register() instead in /home/astrolog/public_html/blog/inc/_core/_class_loader.funcs.php on line 55
If you are happy to code try fixing the issue by copying the file to backup and modifying it as indicated.
Another alternative is to try a manual (ftp) upload.
However if you are not in a hurry respond to @fplanque with the version you are trying to upgrade from as there may be a fix for that version.
For you and @fplanque :: the screen shot shows the error and version number (6.9.6)
We replaced the entire directory with the backup (6.9.6) and restored the database from a backup using R1 SoftRestore in cPanel. The database seems to be problematic now as we get a different error message regarding tables not existing.
Put back previous version (tell us exact version number so we can check) and wait for 6.11.3
I believe the error is because we had to update our php version to 7.2 for other software on the site. But the database error is now a separate problem. There must have been a problem with the database before it was backed up.
Going to your site the first line is an error
Deprecated: __autoload() is deprecated, use spl_autoload_register() instead in /home/astrolog/public_html/blog/inc/_core/_class_loader.funcs.php on line 55
If you are happy to code try fixing the issue by copying the file to backup and modifying it as indicated.
Another alternative is to try a manual (ftp) upload.
However if you are not in a hurry respond to @fplanque with the version you are trying to upgrade from as there may be a fix for that version.
For you and @fplanque :: the screen shot shows the error and version number (6.9.6)
@cjcatalano wrote earlier:
I believe the error is because we had to update our php version to 7.2 for other software on the site. But the database error is now a separate problem. There must have been a problem with the database before it was backed up.
Can you put php back to 5.6*
.So I downgraded to PHP 5.6 and voila, problem solved, hopefully without introducing other problems as well.
So either edit the code at line 55 or use php 5.6 <7.2
Please try with newly released 6.11.3
Put back previous version (tell us exact version number so we can check) and wait for 6.11.3