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- Question / Request about global function: load_class (_class.loader.funcs.php)
1 achillis Mar 04, 2018 21:18
function load_class( $class_path, $classname )
I was wondering why this function forces classes to be loaded in the $inc_path
Please can dev considering allowing classes to be loaded from plugins?
If accepted, the class_load should auto detect the plugin_folder (Plugin) that requested the class to be loaded.
My proposed solution.
* In PHP4, this immediately loaded the class. In PHP5, it's smarter than that:
* It only registers the class & file name so that PHP can later load the class
* IF and ONLY IF the class is actually needed during execution.
function load_class( $class_path, $classname, $relative_to = 'inc' )
global $map_class_path;
switch( $relative_to )
case 'plugins':// detect which plugin requested this, then load the class
global $plugins_path;
//PHP 4 >= 4.3.0, PHP 5, PHP 7
$backtrace = debug_backtrace();
foreach( $backtrace as $l_trace )
if( isset( $l_trace['file'] ) && isset( $l_trace['function'] ) && $l_trace['function'] == 'load_class' )
$sub_path = preg_replace( ':^'.preg_quote( $plugins_path, ':' ).':', '', $l_trace['file'] );
$path_parts = explode( '/', $sub_path );
$plugin_folder = isset($path_parts[0]) ? $path_parts[0] : NULL;
$source = trailing_slash( $plugins_path.$plugin_folder ).$class_path;
// This is a class loader, make sure $Debuglog exists already
if( ! empty( $Debuglog ) )
if( ! file_exists( $source ) )
$source = trailing_slash( $plugins_path.$plugin_folder ).$class_path;
$Debuglog->add( sprintf( T_('file [%s] does not exist'), $source ), 'Load class' );
// Last try
$source = $plugins_path.$class_path;
if( ! file_exists( $source ) )
$Debuglog->add( sprintf( T_('file [%s] does not exist'), $source ), 'Load class' );
$Debuglog->add( sprintf( T_('Class [%s] load is requested from plugin %s'), $classname, $source_folder ), 'Load class' );
$Debuglog->add( sprintf( T_('Class [%s]: %s'), $classname, $source ), 'Load class' );
default: // The normal way that is backwards compatible
global $inc_path;
$source = $inc_path;
if( !is_null($classname) )
$map_class_path[strtolower($classname)] = $source.$class_path;
return true;
3 achillis Mar 08, 2018 17:45
Thank you for responding
I don't actually want plugins to rely on this function because we might remove it in the future.