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1 Jun 07, 2020 19:15    

Sorry if this seems like an easy one, but I can't seem to figure it out.

I have moved my site to a new domain name, and will be using the original site for other purposes.

I would like to remove old posts from old domain and have them redirect to the new domain.
(I.E. Looking for a script to populate the redirection to another site using everything beyond the hash/ (i.e. of the existing url to the redirecting url.(i.e.

Or would it just be easier to leave all old posts where they are?
However, I would really prefer they go to the new site, as I don't want new posts and comments to go to the old site.

2 Jun 07, 2020 22:12

I would like to remove old posts from old domain and have them redirect to the new domain.

Moving the posts from one b2evo site to another isn't much of a problem.

  1. Copy the database from the original site
  2. Delete all the contents of the new site's database via cpanel > phpmyadmin for example
  3. Import the new database on the now empty one.

Be sure you have the same version of b2evo on both sites at this point, then you can update the new site to 7.1.5 if you want.

Not sure what you mean by redirect?

3 Jun 08, 2020 01:16

I Have everything moved, that is not the issue, my problem is, if someone goes to the previous website, that post won't be there, however, it is on the new domain, that is why I wanted the URL to populate every past the hash, so it would take them to the exact post on the new site?

4 Jun 08, 2020 08:39

Apologies! If someone goes to the old URL then it will need a redirect from there. So it's a server redirect issue not a b2evo one.

Maybe this is what you are looking for

. . . use a line like this for a permanent redirect:

Redirect permanent /oldlocation

There's more on the page

If you have cpanel it may have a GUI to avoid coding.

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